My Sofia Grace

Sunday, January 5, 2014

No more turning back now

Today is January 5th 2014 and we had the biggest snow storm last night. We are having another storm again tonight that schools all over have already cancelled and it's not even 8pm yet. So since we are snowed in for a couple of days I figured it would be a great time to potty train Sofia. She has made a couple of attempts in the past and has done a great job. But there were a few factors of why we were not successful, and that means why we are still pampering a 2 1\2 year old. The first attempt I brought out her potty because she had just turned 2 1\2 and she was waking up with dry diapers. So it was a big event which included video taping and taking pictures. She was more interested in taking the potty apart and using the insides as a hat instead of putting pee pee in it. The second attempt I didn't have the patience because she wanted to use her potty as a step stool instead of sitting on it and going pee. So I have been waiting for signs of her showing me she was ready. Today she went and got herself a pull-up because she had a wet diaper and she wanted it changed. She requested to sit on the toilet and she went to the bathroom. After she did all of those things I told her it was time that she didn't use diapers anymore because she was a big girl now. Instead of putting on the pull-up I put big girl panties on her. After that I made her a potty chart and she gets rewarded with a sticker every time she uses her potty.  Its almost bedtime and she has already had about 8 accidents which included one pair of poopy underwear. I kept all of Olivia's panties from when she started going potty so we have two bags of outgrown undies. I just threw the poopy ones in the garbage. But there is no turning back now. She will be three in 4 months and we don't want a three year old pooping and peeing in diapers. And since we are not leaving within the next two days we have plenty of room for mistakes without me freaking out trying to find a public restroom. When my little Sofia Grace is finally potty trained, as a reward to myself I plan on retiring my diaper bag that's falling apart and buying a purse that has nothing to do with diaper, bottles, or having a bag full of stuff that's not for me. Wow, how exciting, I haven't had a real purse since Olivia was a baby. It didn't make sense to me to carry around two bags all of the time which made it easier for me to lose one. And this will help Sofia become more prepared for preschool and I plan on putting her in her first dance class this fall. How exciting this will be, she will be joining her sister. This is a very proud and sad moment as her mother. She is not a little baby anymore. No more diapers, bottles, and all it takes to take care of a little baby.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April Showers Brings May Flowers

Looking outside yesterday at the rain...a nice calm sister moment. April showers brings May flowers. And hopefully some warm weather because this winter has been a nightmare.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sofia Grace 20 months

Today after Sofia woke up from her nap we stayed in her room and she kept looking out the window to see the snow. I was laying on the floor and could see a beautiful photo opportunity. Its so calm with her all the time and this moment was one of those days.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Had a very long day together

Sofia has been very clingy today and cried all day if I didn't hold her. I needed to get laundry done, put the clothes away, and clean the house. The dog kept asking to go out but I couldn't leave her alone in the house, so I just let him out by himself. I've been so stressed I didn't even get to drink my coffee. I've had a crazy day, now I'm sitting in Olivia's room on the floor in the dark blogging on my cell. After dinner tonight I sat down with Sofia on the couch and she drifted off to sleep. I was falling asleep too but didn't let myself go all the way to sleep because I had to take care of Olivia. I took this picture because it was a moment of total ZEN and relaxation.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sofia Grace 18 months old Nov 17th-Dec 16th

Sofia is 18 months old, 6 months away from two. I can't believe that she is going to be two. She is such a sweet little girl. She sings her ABC's with her big sister and she's counting. She listens when you ask her a question and she answers correctly. She is starting to talk so much, I really don't know how many words are in her vocabulary because she repeats everthing. She tells me what she likes and if she doesn't like or want something. She waves and says hello to people and when her father comes through the door she screams, daddy, daddy, daddy until he picks her up. She loves to "eat eat" eggs with cheese and she asks for cookies when she hears a bag ruffling. She loves to be held and kissed on her precious littke cheeks. If I had the money I would love to have another baby with my hubby. She has made me love my hubby even more because he got me preggers when we were going through the hardest times in our lives. I thank God for Sofia Grace, she makes me so happy

Sunday, November 11, 2012

16 months and teething

Sofia woke up in the middle of the night teething. Donny was already awake watching the voice. I am very lucky because since she has been teething she hasn't had any problems with up all night screaming pain. I got rid of all the bottles in the house except one for "sentimental" reasons. Thanks God for being emotionally attached to her infancy. I gave her a little Tylenol and milk.
Now I'm watching the view with the hubby. I really would love something hot and sweet to drink. I guess I'm going to get some tea in the morning when I drop Olivia off to school.