My Sofia Grace

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Had a very long day together

Sofia has been very clingy today and cried all day if I didn't hold her. I needed to get laundry done, put the clothes away, and clean the house. The dog kept asking to go out but I couldn't leave her alone in the house, so I just let him out by himself. I've been so stressed I didn't even get to drink my coffee. I've had a crazy day, now I'm sitting in Olivia's room on the floor in the dark blogging on my cell. After dinner tonight I sat down with Sofia on the couch and she drifted off to sleep. I was falling asleep too but didn't let myself go all the way to sleep because I had to take care of Olivia. I took this picture because it was a moment of total ZEN and relaxation.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sofia Grace 18 months old Nov 17th-Dec 16th

Sofia is 18 months old, 6 months away from two. I can't believe that she is going to be two. She is such a sweet little girl. She sings her ABC's with her big sister and she's counting. She listens when you ask her a question and she answers correctly. She is starting to talk so much, I really don't know how many words are in her vocabulary because she repeats everthing. She tells me what she likes and if she doesn't like or want something. She waves and says hello to people and when her father comes through the door she screams, daddy, daddy, daddy until he picks her up. She loves to "eat eat" eggs with cheese and she asks for cookies when she hears a bag ruffling. She loves to be held and kissed on her precious littke cheeks. If I had the money I would love to have another baby with my hubby. She has made me love my hubby even more because he got me preggers when we were going through the hardest times in our lives. I thank God for Sofia Grace, she makes me so happy

Sunday, November 11, 2012

16 months and teething

Sofia woke up in the middle of the night teething. Donny was already awake watching the voice. I am very lucky because since she has been teething she hasn't had any problems with up all night screaming pain. I got rid of all the bottles in the house except one for "sentimental" reasons. Thanks God for being emotionally attached to her infancy. I gave her a little Tylenol and milk.
Now I'm watching the view with the hubby. I really would love something hot and sweet to drink. I guess I'm going to get some tea in the morning when I drop Olivia off to school.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sofia Grace 15 Months old

Sofia Grace is 15 months old now. About 75 percent of 15 month olds can say, (mama, dada, and other nouns such as cookie, doggie, or ball). They can also follow simple demands such as, pick up the cookie, give me the ball. Sofia is repeating many words and she is starting to put two words together (my daddy, eat eat, dog dog). When she wakes up in the morning she has been yelling down the hall, eat eat. She's starting to tell me no. If I ask her a question she will nod her head yes or no. She is starting to do weird things with her food, she stuffs things in her ears and nose. I haven't got to ask her doctor about it yet because she hasn't had her 15 month checkup yet. It's scheduled this week due to the back to school checkups. She's starting to run and she follows her sister everywhere. When she's upset about something she will find Olivia for a much needed hug and it's the sweetest thing to see them interact and hug each other. I hope that they are close forever. I tell Olivia to be kind to her because they will need each other for always. I told her to be good to Sofia and Sofia will be good to her in return. I will teach Sofia the same thing so she will be kind to Olivia. Her favorite things to do are sing patty cake and play peak-a-boo. Sofia and I will be alone a lot this upcoming year. I am excited and sad at the same time because Olivia is my heart and soul also, even if she does give me a little trouble from time to time. I plan on reading to her, playing her music, going for many long walks, teaching her, and maybe join a mommy and me class. Sofia is so sweet and tender. It warms my heart when she hugs me and pats me on the back. She always smells so sweet, I love smelling her hair and kissing her face. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

having a late lunch

sofia caught my cold and woke up sick yesterday. she is still sick so she slept through lunch today. she is having a tuna sandwitch, some veggie melts, a banana and pear puree, and some milk. i love plum organics products because they mix fruits and veggies in one puree pouch. sofia gags on veggies so the mixture is softer on her delicate palate. and the best of all is that they are all ORGANIC!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sofia Grace 14 Months Old

July 17th- August 16th 2012 At 14 months old, most babies are walking and just now getting use to cruising around the house.Now is the time to baby proof everything if you haven't done so. They like to move things from one place to the other and they like scooting things across the floor. They are able to speak many words and repeat words they hear. Sofia can do many things that she should be doing this month for her milestones. She hasn't been to the doctors much since she has been born so I don't know how much she weighs. And that is a blessing that she is healthy, she is such a joy to our lives. I see her picking up objects all of the time and placing them in another places. She wants to do whatever Olivia is doing, so she follows her all over the house. She likes to walk down the hall to her room where she takes toys out of a toy bin and quietly plays. She sings and rocks a baby doll back and forth as if she was rocking her baby to sleep. She pays attention to the small detail on every abject that enters her hand. Sofia drinks out of a bottle but she is drinking out of a sippy cup and she is now using a fork with meals as of today. I gave her some chicken on her tray but I just placed the chicken on her table and she picked it up with her fingers. She is starting to eat like a little pig so to teach her table manners I gave her a fork. She concentrated very closely on how to get the food on the fork and she slowly put the food in her mouth. When she couldn't get the food on the fork she just picked it up with her finger and moved on the next piece. It was amazing to watch her try so hard at something and she's just a baby. I think she is very smart, she reminds me of her sister. Last night when we were at Donny's parents house, Donny's father came in the house with two piggy banks. He bought a pink one for Sofia and a purple for Olivia which is her favorite color. Sofia was so excited to get an object from her PaPa. She walked around the house with it in her hand so tightly until he showed her that you can put money in it. That made her so excited that she walked around asking for money from everyone. I was amazed that she could take a coin and put it in a very small slit in the bank. When we were at his parents house today she grabbed Donny's moms phone and started playing with it. I watched her take it, play with it for a minute, and put it right next to me right before she walked away to find something new. Donny's moms came in the house like 5 minutes later and asked for her phone I told her Sofia took it. She asked me for her glasses too because they were right next to the phone. So I asked Sofia if she took Nanas glasses and she shook her head yes. She disappeared behind the couch and came out holding her glasses. I was amazed and shocked that she did that. I am working on her communicating without getting frustrated and just screaming her brains out instead of trying to form words. She will start screaming if I don't understand her when she wants or needs something. I tell her to ask for what she is reaching for instead of screaming unitl I give it to her. I will just say milk, milk, milk until she says it even if she is still screaming. Sofia has 6 teeth in the top and two on the bottom and she loved practicing brushing her teeth. She starting to say daddy and mommy instead of dada and mama. She's starting to climb thing and she scoots her toys across the floor. She is an amazing little person and I enjoy watching her learn and grow.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sofia Grace 7 Months Old

December 17th- January 16 2012 First Christmas, first New Years

Sofia Grace 6 Months Old

November 17th- December 16th 2011 6 Month Milestone photos First time eating baby food, first time in an airplane, first time having juice.

Sofia Grace 5 Months Old

October 17th- November 16th 2011 First Halloween, Big Move

Sofia Grace 4 Months old

September 17th- October 16th 2011

Sofia Grace 3 Months Old

August 17th- September 16, 2011 3 Month Old Milestone photos

Sofia Grace 2 Months Old

July 17th- August 16th 2011, First Fourth of July

Sofia Grace 1 Month old

Sofia Grace 1 Month Old, June 17th-July 16th, First Fathers Day Fourth of July, Visit to the doctors. We stayed close to home for Sofia's first Father's Day. Here are a few pictures of Sofia with her father on Father's Day. We went to Donny's friends Rich's house for the first Fourth of July. I watched fireworks from the window because there were a lot of masquitos outside that year. Sofia was calm and quiet with all of the noise. Visit to the doctors

Sofia Grace Newborn

Newborn, due date May 15th 2011, was born May 17, 2011 First Doctor's visit Hospital, going home We brought Sofia home from the hospital to my parents house. She slept in a playpen with a bassinet that Donny's grandmother gave us. We didn't have much space and it was cramped. Donny went back to work right before she was born after being laid off for two years. Our hard times were finally over. I had to take care of a newborn and a three year old. I was breastfeeding which made it all more stressful. I had to run up and down the stairs foe every feed, every two to three hours if i wasn't breastfeeding. I pumped as much as I could but I didn't have much time because I had to entertain Olivia. I had to do most of everything on my own because Donny worked nights and slept through the day.

Monday, July 30, 2012

40 weeks and 14 months old

so a year has already passed, i've had sofia grace, she turned one, and now she's walking. her due date came and passed, my doctor was going on vacation so he scheduled an induction. my hubby and i didn't tell anyone the actual time when the induction were to take place. when olivia was born my sister called just about everyone in my family and we had unwanted visitors at all times of the night. when i had olivia on the same day, after being labor for hours we had a visitor arrive after 11pm. so we carefully planned out who was informed about the induction and who really didn't need to know. i made sure to tell her not to call anyone when she arrived that donny would call all the visitors we wanted to be at the hospital. olivia was staying at donny's moms because we knew we wouldn't have to worry and we could just focus on sofia. we arrived at the hospital tusday morning and i was given antibiotics for the first few hours. so i could just relax and not worry about any pain. there were alot of babies born that day and it seemed like every hour some women was screaming. donny and i would make jokes and just laugh. the nurse we had was very calm and laid back which made the whole birthing process more enjoyable after the epidural. after being on antibiotics for two hours my nurse starts the pitocin which started the labor fast and strong. before i knew it i was screaming for an epidural. there were so many women having babies that day i didn't get one right away. i was so scared that my moment would pass and i would have to give birth naturally. after about swearing and telling donny to that he needed to help me faster seemed like eternity, the anesthesiologist came waltzing in with his equipment. by that time the room was over heated and we all were very hot. as i was sreaming, the nurse and donny helped me sit up so the anesthesiologist could place the needle in my back and give me the medicine. i could hear donny laughing at me from screaming so loud and the anesthesiologist making jokes. so he pulls out the needle and put it in my back. donny starts mubling then the nurse asks him are you ok you look very white. he smacks his leg and started to fall to the floor. the nurse and the anesthesiologist catches donny and puts him in a chair. the anesthesiologist runs out of the room and yells, " WE HAVE A FATHER DOWN, WE HAVE A FATHER DOWN". i am still screaming bloddy murder because he ran to catch donny before he could put the medicine in my back. while donny is out of it, sitting in a chair right next to me, some nurses rush in and put a baby mask on his face. by the time donny came to reality he was piecing together why he passed out, he was very embarassed. when the medicine kicked in it was finally time to push. i pushed for maybe 30 to an hour and sofia grace was finally here. when the doctors placed her on my chest it felt like love for the first time and GOD was in the roon with us, my body was completely numb and i couldn't hear anyone talking for a moment and then she cried. her birth lasted only 5 hours after a long and painful pregnancy. a tear ran down my face and i was so happy. i waited for the nurses to clean her off, they rapped her in a blanket, put on her little hat and placed her in my arms. it was the happiest moment in my life other than my wedding and olivia being born. i had another little person in the world that was made with love, that was half of me and half of donny. she was so calm, she was exactly what i prayed for her. TOOK THESE PICTURES RIGHT BEFORE I WENT INTO THE HOSPITAL WAS TRYING TO LOOK LIKE A DANCER. :)