And the roller coaster begins again at 37 weeks. I got all of my test results back from the doctor. Thankfully I am not anemic anymore but I did test positive for Group Strep B. Which means I have to hall booty to the hospital when my water breaks so I can get antibiotics for the baby. I had my last ultrasound and Donny was there. He missed the first one because he caught the stomach flu and I was really pissed off about that. I was mad because Olivia got sick too but she recovered for the ultrasound. I was so happy that he was there and got to see his little girl too which wasn't another missed memory. So we were in the room and Olivia was with us and started to get a little hyper. It seemed as if Donny was missing bits a peices because his attention was toward Olivia. So I said a little prayer, "please God let Olivia fall asleep so Donny doesn't miss this ultrasound." And like 5 minutes later she says, "mommy tell Sofia that I went to sleep." I didn't see her face and the ultrasound tech says...oh look she took a nap. I was amazed that she fell asleep so fast because she never does that. She said Sofia is head down, healthy, very small, in the 29th percentile and she will be around 6 pounds like Olivia. And then she took a few 3D pictures which we were not expecting at all because of our insurance. Plus we had Olivia at the same hospital and didn't get one of her. BUT HERE SHE IS:

I think she looks like Olivia plus Donny and I.
38 weeks pregnant I had a false alarm this morning. I thought my water broke but I peed my pants which has never happened before. So I freaked out because my doctor told me as soon as your water breaks get to the hispital right away because of the infection. Affter all was well we took Olivia to her last dance class of the season before the recital which is next week as well as my due date. So tonight before I go to bed I have to finish Sofia's bows for a pink hat and for her little leggings. I will post pictures later.
And lastly, I had another appointmetnt today after the hospital. I am 1cm dialated and shes head down. If she doesn't come by the due date, the 15th of May, he will induce me on the 18th or 19th.
And those are all my updates... THE END!!!