so a year has already passed, i've had sofia grace, she turned one, and now she's walking. her due date came and passed, my doctor was going on vacation so he scheduled an induction. my hubby and i didn't tell anyone the actual time when the induction were to take place. when olivia was born my sister called just about everyone in my family and we had unwanted visitors at all times of the night. when i had olivia on the same day, after being labor for hours we had a visitor arrive after 11pm. so we carefully planned out who was informed about the induction and who really didn't need to know. i made sure to tell her not to call anyone when she arrived that donny would call all the visitors we wanted to be at the hospital. olivia was staying at donny's moms because we knew we wouldn't have to worry and we could just focus on sofia. we arrived at the hospital tusday morning and i was given antibiotics for the first few hours. so i could just relax and not worry about any pain. there were alot of babies born that day and it seemed like every hour some women was screaming. donny and i would make jokes and just laugh. the nurse we had was very calm and laid back which made the whole birthing process more enjoyable after the epidural.
after being on antibiotics for two hours my nurse starts the pitocin which started the labor fast and strong. before i knew it i was screaming for an epidural. there were so many women having babies that day i didn't get one right away. i was so scared that my moment would pass and i would have to give birth naturally. after about swearing and telling donny to that he needed to help me faster seemed like eternity, the anesthesiologist came waltzing in with his equipment. by that time the room was over heated and we all were very hot. as i was sreaming, the nurse and donny helped me sit up so the anesthesiologist could place the needle in my back and give me the medicine. i could hear donny laughing at me from screaming so loud and the anesthesiologist making jokes. so he pulls out the needle and put it in my back. donny starts mubling then the nurse asks him are you ok you look very white. he smacks his leg and started to fall to the floor. the nurse and the anesthesiologist catches donny and puts him in a chair. the anesthesiologist runs out of the room and yells, " WE HAVE A FATHER DOWN, WE HAVE A FATHER DOWN". i am still screaming bloddy murder because he ran to catch donny before he could put the medicine in my back. while donny is out of it, sitting in a chair right next to me, some nurses rush in and put a baby mask on his face. by the time donny came to reality he was piecing together why he passed out, he was very embarassed. when the medicine kicked in it was finally time to push. i pushed for maybe 30 to an hour and sofia grace was finally here. when the doctors placed her on my chest it felt like love for the first time and GOD was in the roon with us, my body was completely numb and i couldn't hear anyone talking for a moment and then she cried. her birth lasted only 5 hours after a long and painful pregnancy. a tear ran down my face and i was so happy. i waited for the nurses to clean her off, they rapped her in a blanket, put on her little hat and placed her in my arms. it was the happiest moment in my life other than my wedding and olivia being born. i had another little person in the world that was made with love, that was half of me and half of donny. she was so calm, she was exactly what i prayed for her.
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