Soon after I found I was pregnant the sickness kicked in. I was sick all day and all night. I threw up constantly for about three months. So these pictures are of the first time in the hospital of many visits. I was always dehydrated from puking so much. I threw up so much I peed my pants everytime. These pictures were taken September 19, 2010 a week after I found out I was pregnant.

The first time I took a picture of my baby bump I was 2 months pregnant. There was a little pouch at the end of my stomach. I took these pictures November 10, 2010.

The next picture is a picture of my skin problems...the dark ,marks around my mouth. I don't understand why this started happening to me. But my skin started getting darker around my mouth as if I had a mustaash of dark skin. No matter what I did nothing worked and it got worse if I used different lotions on it. :( At this point I hated looking in the mirror. My hair was a hot mess and I looked sick all of the time. One day Olivia told me I looked at hot mess, my hair was a hot mess, and the hat that I was wearing made me look horrible so I got my hair done. Which turned out to be a nightmare because the lady that did my hair made me look like i was wearing a wig that was on wrong. I did my own hair next which turned out to look awful so I braided it right before Christmas so I didn't look crazy around family and friends. And I am keeping it braiding until further notice. I am not relaxing my hair anymore because it makes my hair weak, thin, and then it falls out. This picture was taken at the end of my three months of sickness.

Three months pregnant. Photo was taken December 13, 2010. My boobs are huge I probab;y wont have too many of these shots. I took this picture because my stomach and boobs looked like a face.

The last photos of are me at 4 months pregnant. I actually look alot better here and my hair doesn't look like crap. I am starting to be able to eat normally again without getting sick. The best this a nurse told me was to eat small meals all day and don't drink too much water because that will make you sick. Before I keep hearing...you have to drink lots of water and you have to eat, eat, eat. Thank God those days are over :)

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