My Sofia Grace

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

27 & 28 weeks prego THIRD TRIMESTER

And the roller coaster continues rolling down the hill. I found out that I'm anemic and I have to take iron pills and iron makes me sick. I am hoping that this is the last of the sickness of this pregnancy. I do enjoy feeling baby Sofia'a move around. The bad thing is that she loves the left side more than the right. And when I sit straight up my ribs hurt really bad. It seems like she is running out of room and I have a bit more to go. I am happy to say that I don't have any new stretch marks. I got a few from Olivia and just when they started going away I got pregnant again.
I turned 28 weeks pregnant on Monday 21, 2011. My mother-in-law bought me some maternity pants because I have one pair of jeans and I wear black pants all of the time. And last night we finlly started planning my baby shower that she is throwing me. How nice for her to volunteer to give me a shower. When I found out I cryed and thats another thing. I have never been so emotional in my life, I cry all of the time. My husband and I have had a lot of hard times through out this pregnancy and I hope that it doesn't affect the baby's emotions too much when she gets here. Today the hubby and I are going to registure for baby shower gifts. We saved some things from Olivia but she was born right before the winter and Sofia will be born right before the summer. I am so excited to have this baby and even more excited to watch my children grow up together. I have almost everything I planned for before I got married. I love my husband and we will have two children to add to our lives. We've been through so much together and I'm blessed for all the happy times in our marriage. When we were dating we traveled together and got to do so many wonderful things together. I love my family more than anything in the world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

26 Weeks pregnant

I've felt very good this week and it feels good to be able to eat and enjoy food again. It's harder having a three year old than working a job this pregnancy. I struggle with bending over to clean up messes and doing laundry. So since Olivia is capable of picking up her own things I often ask her to help me. I sleep as much as I can and I'm trying to walk as much as I can. The only thing that is wrong that the books say that I should be going through is constipation. And it annoys me to wake up having to take a dump every morning. That's not nice to say but a plus about that is I haven't been gaining weight like crazy. I think I've gained 15 pounds so far. I just don't like bad smells in the morning on an empty stomach, it makes me sick. Today I had a glucose test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. Olivia had a doctors appointment today because she has been complaining of a sore throat. So Donny dropped me off and took Olivia to her appointment. When he came back he was in a crappy mood, he was a mean jerk today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

23, 24, 25 Weeks prego

My 23 week of pregnancy was the hardest so far. I had a horrible infection in a tooth that got out of hand. It made me really sick and I had to pull the tooth to feel better. I was in the hospital that week getting filled with antibiotics because taking them orally wasn't working fast enough. I looked so horrible like I swallowed a frog. Then the Monday when I was 24 weeks I got my tooth pulled. I was nervous because at the hospital a nurse tried to numb my gums to put a hole in my gums to let the infection drain out. It was very painful because I was so swollen it didn't work. I am pain free right now and can eat on the right side of my mouth again. And when I turned 25 weeks pregnant I woke up with the worse ligament pain ever along with leg cramps in my calves. I think it was the weather because it only lasted for a day. I am hoping that I get to enjoy this pregnancy because it's the last. I enjoy feeling her move in my stomach. And I get to enjoy watching her grow and bond with her big sister Olivia. She is very excited that she is going to have a little sister.